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  • Dribble
  • Dribble

Acrylic and mixed media on canvas
31cm x 31cm (framed)

This piece is part of my 'instinctive drawing' series in which I draw intuitively, spontaneously documenting whatever comes to mind at the given moment using a series of mark-making. The base layer (in this case the white acrylic paint) acts as a guide and creates a structure for the rest of the work. The mark-making then becomes an instinctive response to the base layer and other factors, for example the music I might be listening to and the environment I am working in.

The titles of the pieces in this series were created using a random word generator to reflect the automatic nature of the artworks. I am also interested in how a title can change the observers perception of an artwork, encouraging them to make connections between the title and the art. While in this case the title is completely unrelated to the artwork, I like the idea that people will create their own narrative about the artwork that may be guided by a singular unconnected word.